Online Roulette Strategy

Online Roulette Strategy

Online Roulette Strategy

“Online Roulette Strategy and “Best Roulette Strategy” sound synonymous to many people used to finding gambling strategies over free internet sources. But you know the old adage, you get what you pay for, so for a free online Roulette Strategy that works do yourself a favor. Pay a little and go to

Free Online Roulette System

In most cases, a free online roulette strategy such as the famed Martingale roulette system so often touted is not a Free Online Roulette Strategy at all. Instead, you can count on virtually every Free Online Roulette Strategy to lose your money.

Best Online Roulette Strategy

The best roulette strategy and a roulette system that works are synonymous with the famed Golden Eagle and Silver Tiger systems developed by mathematicians and game analysis pro RI Chang.

These two systems are Roulette Strategy that Works because they are tried and true systems verified by millions of mathematical simulations.

What Mr.Chang discovered is that the best Roulette System and the most successful roulette strategy take advantage of streaks in the game of roulette.

Players of roulette may be quite interested to hear than in actual play (not just simulations) the record for a single color, either black or red was eclipsed back in the 40s in Las Vegas when the red came up an astounding 50 times in a row.

Meanwhile, the record, again for millions of plays, for a single number bet is six times in a row.

RI Chang discovered that odd and even bets for the Silver Tiger betting system and bets that pay two to one such as 1st 12, second 12, 3rd twelve, or one of the row bets very often come in mathematical streaks of four or five in a row, or even if not in a row, perhaps winning 7 out of 10 bets.

These two systems are the Most Successful Roulette Strategy and the Best Roulette Strategy because they work so consistently.

With both systems, players learn to hedge bets to keep losses to a minimum, while waiting for the right patterns of streaks to appear.

Both systems require only a small buy-in and bankroll, and roulette players will consistently garner 5 to 6 units of chips per session, which can amount to $125 to $150 per winning session.

Online Roulette Strategy

Roulette Strategy

Roulette Strategies

Silver Tiger Roulette Strategy

Golden Eagle Roulette Strategy

Roulette System

Roulette Strategy that Works

Best Roulette Strategy

Most Successful Roulette Strategy

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Roulette Strategy